International management in Football Manager can be a lot fun like the regular league games if you have the right tactics and formation to handle your team.
When looking for a nation to manage in FM21, obviously one is likely to pick the biggest sides in each region but one question that should ring a bell in your mind is, “will my tactics work out on this team?”.
Sometimes you’ll also want to try to manager a small country and take them to international glory. To do so, you’ll obviously need the best tactics.
You might be wondering, what are the best tactics in Football Manager 2021 for a national team side? Well, the answer is formation 4-4-1-1 😂😂😂
Today, I have decided to share how you can easily set up your team to win big in your international save and lead your preferred nation to glory.
The 4-4-1-1 tactics – Mentality (Attacking)
Let’s kick off from the defense line. At the goal post, position the goalkeeper to defend with 4 defenders up front.
You have 2 Full Backs with Automatic roles, and 2 Central Defenders set to defend.
At the middle, you also have 4 players, two Inverted Wingers – one set on Attack role and the other set on Support role. An Advanced playmaker set on Attack role and a Deep Lying Playmaker set on Support role.
In front of the midfielder, you have just one player – the Attacking Midfielder set on Support role as well.
And of course a striker to finish up the set up. An Advance Forward set on Attack role is best suited for this formation to lead the line and look to spearhead the attacking moves. His primary duty is to be the focal point of every attacking moves and he will either score or create chances for others to score.
This tactics has been tested on Nigeria, Brazil and Canada and I won World Cup with these three teams.
Download the tactics below……
If you can’t download the tactic, below is how to it set up manually.
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