In a heartfelt statement marking World Refugee Day, Peter Obi, the Presidential Candidate for the Labour Party, expressed his deep concern for the numerous displaced Nigerians who have tragically become refugees within their own country.
This displacement has been driven by heightened levels of insecurity and other natural disasters, forcing them to seek shelter in internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps.
Citing data from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Obi revealed that Nigeria was home to a staggering 3.6 million IDPs by the end of 2022.
This alarming figure places Nigeria among the top five nations in Africa with the highest number of internally displaced persons, primarily due to the country’s array of security challenges.
Obi also drew attention to fellow Nigerians who, in search of respite from the harsh economic realities and tumultuous political climate at home, have been compelled to seek refuge in various countries abroad.
On this occasion of World Refugee Day, we remember our numerous displaced Nigerians, who have literally become refugees in their own land, driven out from their homes and living in internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps,
— Peter Obi (@PeterObi) June 20, 2023
Recognizing the plight of these compatriots, Obi emphasized the shared responsibility to forge a New Nigeria—a nation that ensures lasting security for lives and property, while instilling hope in its people.
The Labour Party Presidential Candidate passionately expressed his commitment to this vision, emphasizing the importance of enabling internally displaced persons to return to their homes, unlock their full potential, and actively contribute to nation-building.
Obi’s steady dedication to a prosperous and inclusive Nigeria shines through his determination to address the challenges at hand and bring about positive change.
As World Refugee Day serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by displaced individuals, Peter Obi’s call for a New Nigeria resonates with the urgent need for concerted efforts to restore stability, security, and hope in the nation.
It is a rallying cry for unity, resilience, and progress towards a brighter future for all Nigerians.
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